Regular Events

Children’s and Youth Work

We aim to be an inclusive church where families of all ages can find services to suit their needs.

We have a vibrant “Messy Church” on the third Saturday of each month, where there are messy crafts and activities, music, a bible story, and most importantly – breakfast!

Most Messy Church sessions take place at Thakeham Village Hall, but occasionally, sessions happen in our Church building.

Sunday services on the 1st and 4th Sundays are planned with families and children in mind, and there is a carpet area with toys and books for children of all ages to enjoy during the service.

Jesus said; “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” (Mark 9:36-37)

Messy Church 4
Messy Church 3
Messy Church 2
Messy Church 1
Childrens Church 5
Childrens Church 4
Childrens Church 3
Childrens Church 2
Childrens Church 1

Music Group

As singers and musicians we aspire to be worshippers first and music group members second. Our overriding goal is to ‘glorify God and edify his people’. A group of around 20 people (mainly singers with keyboard players and guitarists at present), we regularly make music in services and at church events.

Our practices are usually held fortnightly on Thursday evenings although this may vary according to different seasons’ needs. Do you love to worship God with your voice and/or with a musical instrument? If so, then why not get in touch to find out more?

Interested? Just drop Elke Whitehead a line at or contact our church office on 01798 813121.

Bell Ringing

The bells are rung most Sundays under the guidance of our Tower Captain. The bells are also rung for weddings. The vicar will advise couples of the charge for this.

Bell ringing practice takes place on Wednesday evenings. The team have a lot of fun and there is plenty of socialising. Interested in becoming involved or learning how to ring? Contact Roger Watts 01798 741252

Play the video to see what out bells sound like!

Knit and Stitch

Members of the Knit and Stitch Group meet in The Church Rooms. No skill is required but the ability to cast on, knit, purl and cast off is an advantage.

Work on your own projects or contribute to blankets or hats for our Link to Hope charity. The focus is on fellowship and fun with a really delicious afternoon tea. Want more information? Telephone Wynn 01903 743025

Work on your own projects or contribute to blankets or hats for our Link to Hope charity. The focus is on fellowship, fun with a really delicious afternoon tea. Want more information? Telephone Wynn 01903 743025

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