Donations and Volunteering


The work of our church is reliant on people’s generosity, a generosity that is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it.

We do not take a formal collection at services, although there is always the opportunity for people to donate if they wish.

We give to our church in a variety of ways, the easiest is by a Standing Order from your bank account.

If you would like to give to the church in this way, please download the Standing Order Form below.


About 35% of people say they will leave a legacy to charity in their will but only about 7% actually do so – and only 5% of those leave a legacy to the Church. When asked about this, people respond by saying that they perceive the church to be wealthy and not in need of legacies. Changes to the funding of churches means that this is no longer true. At Thakeham, levels of regular giving are no longer able to support the cost of running the church – despite excellent management by the Treasurer and PCC.

  • The gift of a legacy can be an expression of your gratitude towards God
  • The gift of a legacy can help to keep St Mary’s Thakeham alive today
  • The gift of a legacy can help transform its future

We are, of course, enormously grateful for the legacies that we have received.

  • The legacy of Venter’s Field became £900,000 when the land was purchased by a developer. This has been used for improvement to the church structure and the building of an annexe and has provided a social space, a meeting room – and lavatories – for years to come!
  • A legacy received in 2018 was used to provide a much-needed kitchen within the church
  • We have also purchased a silver chalice with money left to us by a much-loved member of the church

Are you willing to write your will to include a lasting gift to our church?

Thanks to gifts left in wills to support St Mary’s Thakeham, this church that is dear to you and to so many in the village and around can be looked after for years to come, inspiring generations of churchgoers and visitors – and memories. You can leave your gift for a special purpose or for us to use on your behalf, wherever the need is greatest. A gift of any size is hugely valuable and every penny is used very thoughtfully and carefully.

Thank you

The new extension space with baby changing and toilets, better lighting, heating and new electrics.


Volunteering is an essential part of the life of the chuch, and is very rewarding in itself. Here are some of the ways that you couldcontribute to the life of the church:

  • Regular prayer at home
  • Joining the PCC
  • Offering professional skills/advice
  • Joining the Pastoral Team
  • Becoming a sidesperson or verger
  • Reading the lesson
  • Becoming part of the Singing Group
  • Arranging flowers
  • Cleaning the church
  • Joining the coffee rota
  • Assisting the maintenance team
  • Joining a “Home Group” for study and support
  • Cooking for church events
  • Helping with youth events eg. Messy Church
  • Getting involved in preparing Family Services
  • Becoming a Bell-Ringer
  • Writing articles for the website.

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